Wild Blackened Catfish

Wild Blackened Catfish

Any caveman would be proud of this catch! Wild caught catfish is delicate and flaky, with loads of flavor. Catfish contains healthy fatty acids, provides complete protein, is a source of vitamin B-12, and is low in mercury. Pair it with dark leafy greens and some fruit for the perfect caveman meal.
Servings: 4

Here’s what you need…

  • 2 teaspoon olive oil
  • 4 fillets wild caught catfish
  • blackened seasoning (try Cajun’s Choice)
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  1. Preheat oven to 350. Lightly oil a glass pan.
  2. Coat the catfish fillets in the olive oil. Generously apply the seasoning to both sides of each fillet.
  3. Line the fillets in prepared pan, and top with sliced lemon.
  4. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until flaky.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 160 calories, 9g fat, 120mg sodium, 0g carbohydrate, 0g fiber, and 17g protein.

Is Primal Better?

What You Can Learn From Cavemen

How would you like to be naturally lean, muscular and energetic? To effortlessly maintain a low body fat, rippling muscles and picturesque health?

Mark Sisson, an athlete, coach, and student on a lifelong quest for exceptional health, happiness, and peak performance (his words), penned the book, “The Primal Blueprint” to show you how to do just that.

At 55, he weighs 165 pounds with 8 percent body fat, eats as much food as he pleases, and rarely gets sick. He also says he’s healthier, fitter, happier and more productive than ever.

So what is Mark’s secret?

In his words, “Modeling your 21st-century life after our primal hunter-gather ancestors will help you greatly reduce or eliminate almost all of the disease risk factors that you may falsely blame on genes you inherited from your parents

Weight loss does not have to involve the suffering, sacrifice, and deprivation we’ve been conditioned to accept but instead is a matter of eating the right foods (plants and animals), avoiding the wrong foods (processed carbs—including grains—and trans and partially hydrogenated fats), and exercising strategically, for far fewer hours than you might assume, to reach your desired fitness goals.”

Here are The Ten Primal Blueprint Laws:

Law #1: Eat Lots of Plants and Animals
The bulk of the caveman diet is animal protein (organic, free-range, or wild sources of meat, fowl, and fish), a plethora of colorful veggies and fruits, and healthy fats (nuts, seeds, their derivative butters, certain oils, and avocados).

Law #2: Avoid Poisonous Things
For the caveman this meant staying away from poisonous plants. For you this means staying away from sugars, sodas, chemically altered fats, processed, packaged, fried and preserved foods. It also means cutting out grains.

Law #3: Move Frequently at a Slow Pace
The caveman spent several hours each day moving around at a low-level aerobic pace. This helped develop strong bones, joints, and connective tissue.

Law #4: Lift Heavy Things
Frequent bursts of intense physical effort were a daily part of the caveman’s life. Biochemical signals would be triggered that prompted improvements and adaptations in muscle tone, size and power.

Law #5: Sprint Once in a While
For the caveman a fast sprint meant the difference between being eaten and staying alive. Little did he know that those sprints were helping to increase his energy levels, improve athletic performance and minimize the effects of aging by promoting the release of testosterone and human growth hormone.

Law #6: Get Adequate Sleep
The rising and setting of the sun dictated the length of the caveman’s day. For us things are a bit trickier. Adequate sleep helps the immune system work optimally, and promotes the release of hormones that enhance brain and endocrine function.

Law #7: Play Without a TV or computer to entertain himself, the caveman would engage in hours of leisurely outdoor play. Relaxed play releases endorphins and provides a balance for mental stress.

Law #8: Get Adequate Sunlight
It’s impossible to obtain adequate vitamin D from diet alone. Getting regular sun exposure allows for proper vitamin D production, critical for healthy cell function.

Law #9: Avoid Stupid Mistakes
Observation and self-preservation were key factors in the survival of a caveman. Today’s world is full of distractions that leave us oblivious and careless. Take, for example, texting while driving.

Law #10: Use Your Brain
The human brain separates us from the animals. Intellectual stimulation is an important part of healthy brain function.

Rave Reviews: Despite its stringent requirements, the caveman diet is converting new followers by the boatload. Most people report losing 10 or more pounds in their first month and that they no longer feel bloated and sleepy after meals.

Should You Jump on the Primal Bandwagon? So, in light of the evidence, should you put down your whole wheat bagel and low fat cream cheese in exchange for a hunk of meat and pile of veggies?

Hold your horses.

Though the caveman diet has been proven to promote weight loss, times have changed. Could you really practice all of the Primal Laws while maintaining your modern life?

Yeah… I didn’t think so.

So, where do you go from here? You want to lose weight, to protect yourself from disease and to look and feel great.

A great solution, that doesn’t require drastic change, is to take 3 bits of advice from the caveman—advice that will promote weight loss, decrease your risk of disease and will get you looking and feeling great.

1. Make Plants and Animals the Focus of Your Diet: This will quickly lead to weight loss and increased energy. Don’t be so hard on yourself that everything you put in your mouth has to be caveman approved – but make it the majority of your diet.

2. Cut Out Processed Food: The simplest way to promote weight loss and to encourage good health is to eliminate processed foods from your diet. When you replace processed foods with fresh produce your results will be immediate. Not only will you feel healthier, you will have more energy than you’ll know what to do with! * Want to eat a Caveman approved dinner? Check out my recipe below*

3. Exercise: Since you will need an outlet for all that extra energy, acquire a new hobby—one that gets you moving. Have you ever met a lazy caveman? Of course not. (And this is not just because you were born a few centuries too late!) Cavemen were forced to be active in order to survive. Hunt dinner. Build a fire. Move a fallen tree. Create shelter. You get the idea If you want a lean, muscular body then exercise must become a part of your daily life.

This is where I come in. Let’s meet one-on-one to design an exercise program that will fit your unique goals.

Call or email today to get started.

The Whole Grain Debate

Mark, and other caveman diet experts, believe that grains contain a protein that is unfamiliar to our biology, making it inappropriate for human consumption. This flies in the face of everything we have been taught about the essential need for whole grains as a staple in our modern diet.

My advice: Do what a true caveman would do – decide for yourself. Take a week away from grains and see how you feel. If you are losing weight and gaining energy then stick with it.

Guilt-Free Cobbler

Guilt-Free Cobbler

This recipe makes a perfect fall dessert. I used peaches, but feel free to substitute with apples or pears. Traditional cobblers and pies are filled with fat and sugar – this recipe is much lighter, but will satisfy your sweet tooth just as well.
Servings: 1

Here’s what you need:

  • 1 sweet, ripe peach (or apple or pear)
  • coconut cooking spray
  • 1 teaspoon agave nectar
  • pinch of sea salt
  • pinch of freshly ground cinnamon
  1. Wash, peel and pit the peach. Chop into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Pre-heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Spray lightly with coconut cooking spray.
  3. Saute the peach pieces for about a minute, then add the agave nectar, salt and cinnamon. Continue to saute for another few minutes until it turns a deep golden color.
  4. Serve and enjoy immediately!

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 53 calories, .2g fat, 100mg sodium, 13g carbohydrate, 1.8g fiber, and 1g protein.

Want Better Results?

4 Ways To Burn More Fat

There is nothing quite as frustrating as seeing your results fizzle out.

This is a common place to end up, usually after a few months on the same exercise routine. In the beginning your body responds to your routine with lost pounds and gained muscle tone, then one day all results screech to a stop.

Why does this happen? And, more importantly, how can you prevent it?

Your muscles adapt quickly to any repetitive routine. Remember that the definition of ‘insanity’ is to do the same thing over and over while expecting different results. This holds true for your workouts.

When your results stop, it’s time to do something new.

  • The problem: Your muscles have adapted to your routine.
  • The Solution: It’s time to apply the concept of muscle confusion.

Muscle confusion is a way to keep your body guessing by changing your routine.

I have good news – the following 4 strategies are guaranteed to crank your workouts up to the next level and to deliver better results.

Strategy #1: Use a Drop Set

Drop sets are often used to fight off exercise plateaus. This technique is great for increasing muscle strength, endurance and for adding to the cardiovascular benefit of your workout – which results in more fat burn.

This is how to do a drop set: When you perform an exercise to exhaustion, don’t stop there. Drop the weight by 80% and do another set.

You could take it a step further by dropping the weight twice, making it a double drop. Or drop the weight three times for a descending drop set. Use this technique only once or twice per workout, on the final set of the exercise.

Strategy #2: Focus on Negatives

Each time that you do a weight lifting repetition you are using three types of strength.

  1. Positive strength: lifting the weight.
  2. Static strength: holding weight in a contracted position.
  3. Negative strength: lowering the weight.

Most people completely miss the benefit of the negative in each repetition by allowing the weight to drop quickly with little control. It is understood that the negative portion of each repetition is just as important as the positive portion, possibly more important.

Focus on the negative portion of each repetition by lowering the weight very slowly. Concentrate on the negative contraction, and make each repetition count.

If you are advanced, then use a training partner to assist you in moving heavier-than-normal weight into a contracted position, then lower it very slowly.

Another way to utilize negative repetitions on a machine is to lift the weight using two limbs but then lower it with just one. For example, use both legs to lift the weight on a leg extension machine, but then lower it back down slowly using only one leg.

Strategy #3: Use Active Rest

Every minute of your workout is an opportunity to increase intensity and to burn more fat. Don’t waste precious minutes with long rest periods.

While it is important to catch your breath if you feel winded, most of the time you would benefit more from an active rest. Do one of the following activities for 30 seconds between exercises and turn your regular workout into High Intensity Interval Training.

  • High Knees with Alternating Punches: Alternately bring each knee high to your chest in a quick jumping movement while alternating forward punches at shoulder level.
  • Burpees: Start in a sanding position and bend at the waist. Once your hands hit the floor, push your entire body back, extending your legs until they’re straight and you’re in the push-up position. Go down for a push-up, and when you push yourself up, jump slightly to bring your feet back near your hands. Finally, jump in the air with your arms fully extended over your head.
  • Side-to-Side Jumps on Bench: Stand on one side of an exercise bench. Place the foot closest up onto the bench, jump up and switch feet, then land on the opposite side of the bench.
  • Mountain Climbers: Place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart on the ground in a push-up position. Bring one knee to your chest and then back to the starting position, alternate each leg quickly.
  • Side-to-Side Ab Twists: With feet close together, jump and twist your legs left to right – holding your abs tight. Keep a bend in your knees and swing your upper arms with each twist.
  • Jump Lunges with Pop Squat: Start in a lunge position, lunge down then quickly jump up, switching your leg position in midair, land in an opposite leg lunge. Once you’ve done both legs, jump straight into a squat.
  • Medicine Ball Squat Jumps: With feet wider than shoulder-width apart hold a medicine ball at chest level. Squat down until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Explosively jump up, raising the medicine ball straight over your head.

Strategy #4: Modify the Exercise There are certain exercises that are considered ‘staples’ in the gym.

The squat. The lunge. The chest press. The shoulder press. The bicep curl. You get the idea…

While you shouldn’t throw these exercises out the window, find creative ways to modify the familiar motion in order to challenge your muscles. Try these exercise modifications:

  • Squat on a Bosu ball or balance board.
  • Place a weighted bar across your shoulders and do walking lunges.
  • Use an exercise ball for chest presses instead of the bench.
  • Do a full squat between each repetition of shoulder presses.
  • Do a shoulder press between each repetition of bicep curls.

If you’d like a sure-fire way to break through your fitness plateau and to melt away unwanted fat, then contact me for a fitness consultation.

Call or email today – I look forward to hearing from you.

Find Your Motivation

Motivation comes from having a goal. What is your goal? Why do you want to get into great shape?

Take a minute to really uncover the reason that you want to lose the weight. Don’t say something vague like you want to ‘Be thinner’ or ‘Look more attractive.’ Dig deeper – there is a very specific motivator in your life, you simply need to uncover it.

Here are some possible motivators…

  • I want to have more energy to keep up with the kids.
  • I want to improve my health through weight loss to extend and improve my life.
  • I want to lose 15 pounds before my vacation.
  • I want to restore my confidence to wear sleeveless shirts.
  • I want to regain my figure to impress and attract my significant other.

Salmon and Broccoli Scramble

Salmon and Broccoli Scramble

Salmon, broccoli and egg whites combine for the perfect protein-packed breakfast. Add a side of avocado for healthy fats and a serving of fruit for a delicious start to your day.
Servings: 2

Here’s what you need…

  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 cup fresh broccoli, cut into small pieces
  • 5 egg whites
  • 8oz grilled or smoked salmon, separated into small pieces
  • dash of salt and pepper

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 225 calories, 7g fat, 557mg sodium, 6.5g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 33g protein.

Are You Disturbed?

Transform From “Before” to “After”

Have you ever seen a really impressive “before” and “after” photo on a weight loss product?

Well, there’s something that the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. There is more involved than just the diet product, and it’s the same across the board.

Look into the eyes of any person in their “before” picture and you’ll see that they are deeply disturbed. The body they have is no longer in sync with the body they are able to accept.

They changed the body that they accept, and became disturbed.

Now look into their eyes in the “after” picture – see the sweet satisfaction? They now live in the body that they decided they could accept. What an amazing feeling that is.

Why are you still living life in your “before” body?

Sure, you have obstacles that get in your way – your schedule, your job, your kids, the weather, your knee injury from college…but ultimately you have the body that you accept.

I’m going to repeat that so it will really sink in.

You have the body that you accept.

Transform from “Before” to “After”
You may not realize it, but you already posses everything you need to transform your body, and it all starts with taking responsibility for the body that you have today.

You are in your current shape because, until this moment, you’ve been OK with it.

Oh I know you aren’t thrilled with it, and you even talk about losing weight and getting fit – but you haven’t changed what you’ll accept.

Here’s how to transform your body in 3 steps:

Step One: Feel Disturbed
It has been said that emotion creates motion. This is essential when it comes to personal transformation. Just like those folks in the “before” pictures, to transform your body you must first decide that you can’t live another day in the body you currently have.

Get your emotions stirred up. Make a list of all the reasons that you’re ready to lose weight and get fit. Get disturbed.

Step Two: Decide What You Want
Without clarity you’ll never get where you want to go. Now that you’re disturbed with the body you have, decide what the body you can accept looks like.

Think in concrete and specific terms. Just like the captions under ‘before” and “after” pictures – “Shannon lost 50 lbs,” “Matt lost 8 inches from his waist,” “Catherine went from a size 20 to a size 4.”

Get a clear picture in your mind of what you’ll look like in your “after” picture and decide what the caption will read.

Step Three: Take Action
The time spent between your inspiration (now) and taking action determines whether you will succeed or fail. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck between inspiration and action – there is always something that you can do immediately.

Take action by emailing or calling me now to set up a fitness consultation.

I am here to take you from your “before” picture to your “after” picture. What will your “after” caption read?

Get Disturbed

You have to get disturbed with your current shape before you’ll take the action needed to transform your body. How do you get disturbed? Try these:

  • Go shopping for a swim suit
  • Try on all of your “skinny” clothes
  • Look at old pictures from when you were in better shape
  • Go to the doctor for a physical

Grilled Salmon and Peach Salad

Grilled Salmon and Peach Salad

This recipe makes a perfect flat-abs meal. Fresh greens, grilled peaches and tender salmon make a mouthwatering combination. Enjoy for lunch or dinner.
Servings: 1

Here’s what you need:

  • 2 cups mixed greens
  • 1/4 cup grilled peaches
  • 1 Tablespoon blue cheese crumbles
  • 1 Tablespoon dried cranberries
  • 1 Tablespoon light salad dressing
  • 7 oz grilled salmon
  1. Toss the greens, peaches, blue cheese, and cranberries in a bowl with salad dressing. Top with grilled salmon.

Nutritional Analysis:? One serving equals: 365.3 calories, 14.5g fat, 404mg sodium, 15g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 39.7g protein.

Easy diet tweaks for flat abs

5 Diet Tweaks for Flat Abs

If your stomach isn’t as flat as you’d like it to be then you have come to the right place.

Exercise alone will not get you a toned stomach – diet is a huge part of the equation.

Below I have compiled 5 very easy tweaks to your eating habits that will dramatically flatten your abs.

Diet Tweak #1: Don’t eat after 6pm
This is such a simple and effective way to lose fat. Late night eating is the most damaging to your waistline, so cut it out completely.

  • Brush your teeth immediately following dinner. Once your teeth are brushed, you’ve put a period to the end of your consumption for the day.
  • Change your evening routine. If you’ve always ended your day watching your favorite shows with your hand in the snack bowl, then now is the time to change things up. Find activities that don’t revolve around food and stick with those.
  • Make it a habit. The first few weeks will be the hardest, but soon your new no-food-after-6pm routine will feel normal.

Diet Tweak #2: Cut back on carbs
Notice I didn’t say to cut out all carbs, but rather to cut back on carbs. These diet tweaks are meant as lifestyle changes that you stick with long term. Cutting back on carbs is a realistic and very effective way to lose weight.

  • Always choose whole grain bread and pasta over white. Whole grains are less likely to be stored as fat than processed grains.
  • Eat half of the carbs you normally do. Eat your sandwich open-faced and reduce the size of your pasta serving.
  • Avoid carb-filled snacks between meals. Instead of crackers or chips, have fresh fruit and veggies.

Diet Tweak #3: Eat more fiber
Most people simply do not get enough fiber in their diets. Fiber is essential when it comes to getting lean since it is low calorie while filling you up.

  • Instead of seeing salad just as a side item, make salads into meals. Add protein to a large pile of greens for a guiltless meal. *Try the recipe for Grilled Salmon and Peach Salad below.
  • Make veggies a part of every meal. The benefits of eating more vegetables are too numerous to list, just know that your body will become healthier and leaner with each fibrous bite.
  • Fruits are a delicious source of fiber. Incorporate fresh, seasonal fruits into your daily diet.

Diet Tweak #4: Drink tons of water
Drinking plenty of water is another extremely simple way to promote weight loss. Chronic dehydration leads to false hunger signals and unnecessary calorie consumption.

  • Drink a large glass of water before each meal. This will prevent overeating.
  • Choose water instead of sugar-filled sodas and juices. Sugar-filled drinks are a huge weight-gain trap.
  • Carry a water bottle with you throughout your day. Keep water in the car and at your desk for constant hydration.

Diet Tweak #5: Enjoy natural sweets
Traditional sugar-filled sweets will quickly add up around your waistline. Instead of going for sugary sweets, enjoy natural sweets.

  • Fruit is nature’s candy. Reach for sweet, seasonal fruit for dessert.
  • Avoid foods that contain white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Consider these items ‘anti-flat-abs’.
  • Use wholesome sweeteners such as pure maple syrup, brown rice syrup or dates in your recipes instead of white sugar. Eliminate white sugar from your kitchen.

Eating right, coupled with challenging exercise, is the formula for a toned, lean body – so guarantee your results by teaming up with me.

Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and brings you promptly to your goals.

Call or email today to get started.

It’s OK to Cheat

Does the thought of eating healthy everyday make your head spin?

Establish a weekly “Cheat Day” where you allow yourself a taste of all your favorite indulgences.

It’s OK to cheat once a week – just indulge with control, and stick with your clean eating habits on all other days.

Spinach, Mango, and Red Quinoa Salad (with Chicken)

Spinach, Mango, and Red Quinoa Salad (with Chicken)Crisp baby spinach blends with sweet mango, tender chicken and a sprinkle of red quinoa in this refreshing salad. Complete with your veggies, protein and wholegrain, this salad is a balance meal in and of itself.

Servings: 2

Here’s what you need…

• 2 cups baby spinach
• 1 small carrot, shredded
• 2 Tablespoons red onion, minced
• 1/4 cup red quinoa, cooked
• 1/4 cup ripe mango, diced
• 1 cup cooked chicken breast, diced
• 2 Tablespoons lowfat salad dressing (Newman’s Own Low Fat Sesame Ginger Dressing)

1. Place the spinach, carrot, onion, quinoa, mango, and chicken in a medium bowl. Toss with dressing.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 248 calories, 4.7g fat, 301mg sodium, 25.5g carbohydrate, 3.4g fiber, and 25.5g protein.

Say Yes to Good Fat

Avocados and almonds contain monounsaturated fat. This healthy fat has been shown to help target stubborn belly fat and lower your cholesterol levels.

• Use avocado slices in your sandwich instead of mayo.
• Get your healthy fat fix with a handful of almonds.